05 September 2014

its MAY and graduation day

yeah i did it. on time. 14/may/2014. - diploma in art and design. Printing Technology.

04 March 2014

Uitm Kampus Bandaraya Melaka

yes people I'm here

3/3/2014 - i actually have no idea on whats going on today. So i just wake up early as usually and go to the campus. anddddd i don't even know anyone. anddd i miss hanis and bella =(.
Macam biasa sedar diri yang you were alone and start say HI to people. 
And i met el,yana and mai. 
lucky me cause yana pun marketing. so takde lah awkward sangat nanti.
pagi-pagi macam biasa register and bla-bla-blaaaa (not in mood)
and hell-aa i never know yang degree pun ada orentasi
(keep calm zie) sampai khamis 6/3/2014 JE.
taklimat bla-blaa-blaa

petang balikkk and penat.

4/3/2014 - harini perasmian minggu pemantapan siswa. and we need to wear the scarf yang puplr lembik tu. uitm-ian tahu lah

im not the person yang "not comply with rules" but takde note pun kata nk kena pakai bright baju kurung and i don't have one punn. so red and purple - boleh laahhhh.

taraaaaa - matrix card sangat WAJIB pakai kat sini. And the-pau-pipi face lol and the really not ready eyes.